Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to our school website! We are very proud to be able to share with you the wonderful opportunities and developments at Greenrigg Primary School.
There is much to celebrate in Greenrigg Primary School and ELC, and we all want to ensure that every child continues to be happy, fulfilled and successful working closely with the committed staff team and wider school community.
The relationship between home and school is important for learners to thrive and develop a love of learning alongside values for life. Parents and Carers make an important contribution to children's achievements at school, and I want to continue to foster and utilise the skills and talents within the Greenrigg community to improve the educational experiences for our children.
Excellent communication is a key priority and the best way to find out what is happening in school is to check out our website as the school twitter page: @greenriggps1
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch through the school email or leave a message with the school office if you have any questions, concerns or if there is anything we can help you with.
We hope that this website will serve to provide you with a sense of what it means to be a member of our school community. It will grow and change over time as we add more information, but can never replace the first-hand experience of coming to visit us.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr P Barrowman and The Greenrigg Team