Learning at Home Overview
Please see attached guidance and links to support Distance Learning at Home from Greenrigg PS and ELC
Learning at Home Initial Letter (PDF, 710 KB)(opens new window)
SWAY Guidance (gi.ui.mediatype.powerpoint, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Learning Guidance (gi.ui.mediatype.powerpoint, 911 KB)(opens new window)
- To maintain a provision of learning and teaching at home, we will be using the Glow website to set tasks and activities for all pupils.
- Our main online platform for distance learning will be using the Microsoft Teams app on the Glow website.
- We have asked for families without internet access to contact the school office. Alternative arrangements will be made in these circumstances only.
If anyone has log in issues, please contact the school through school email where a member of staff will get back to you to help you resolve your issue. wlgreenrigg-ps@westlothian.org.uk
Any pupils misusing the Glow website will have their account reviewed by our HT (Mr Barrowman) and a discussion between parents/carer on the telephone around the concerns will be arranged and steps required to move forward will be agreed.
We anticipate that there will be some initial server problems with Glow due to an increase in traffic to the site. You may wish to download the Microsoft Teams app separately to your desktop.
- P 1- 3 teachers will be sharing their learning in the form of 'Teach Sway' once per week with a forms attached to be able to provide feedback and share learning. This will be alongside the usual learning grid to enable you to plan and organise a week of activities.
- All class teachers will create 2 weekly task boards. Activities are organised on Microsoft Team files section (P4-7) and emailed out to you by Mrs Miller to your email.
- There will be a range of tasks on offer created by the teaching to reflect the planning which would be happening if our learners were in school. There will also be a link to additional maths and numeracy activities provided by Mrs Robley as well as additional activities for choice on Twitter. You do not have to complete all of the activities these are suggested to support and motivate your child.
- Apps like Sumdog can be monitored by class teachers and the content can be adapted remotely.
Learning can also be shared by tagging us on Twitter @greenriggps1 using the #greenrigglearningathome where we will comment and like the posts we see to give feedback
Moving Forward
As this is a new system, we will be continually evaluating and updating our blended learning approach as we use this new technology following recent guidance from The Scottish Government and WLC
We appreciate your support at this time and thank you for your feedback on our learning at home approaches and will publish the results of this soon with (YOU SAID/WE DID highlights and next steps).
Support and Guidance
If you require any support or assistance from teachers, ELC Team or HT/PT please do get in touch through-out school email where someone will get back to you. If we telephone you it will be from a withheld number. We will groupcall you to let you know we are telephoning, where possible.
Please check these sections for links to and suggested learning approaches to support learning at home during this challenging time. It has been organised into different sections as children at different stages of their development have different needs.
Also attached below are links to other suggested guidance to support you more generally at this time. Please check back as we will update this as more information becomes available so that you can access it at your leisure.