We have a school uniform which we encourage children to wear.

Ordering for session 2020/21 Information

Dear Parent/Carer

You are able to place an order online being delivered to your home address at Border Embroideries for school uniform for the new school term using their website www.border-embroideries.co.uk 

On the search bar you will see the tab Schools which will bring up Find Your School. Search for Greenrigg Primary and it will bring up the school badge click on the school name underneath and it will take you to the items to order.  Please make sure when ordering poloshirts and T-shirts you order red for nursery poloshirts.

Currently their Head Office and factory are closed but they are hoping to return to work from 18th May when they will start shipping their online orders. Please make sure you place your order by 20 July to guarantee delivery for the start of the new term.
Covid - 19 delivery update - https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/delivery-shipping/ (24/5/2020)

Kind Regards

Mr Paul Barrowman
Head Teacher

In our ELC

In our nursery the children have the option to wear red polo shirts.  Children should have indoor shoes and welly boots both to be left in nursery.

Children are required to have indoor shoes to be changed into during the school day and these are left in school.  

Children are also required to have a gym kit of T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes.

Children should not wear jewellery to school in case they have an accident (eg necklace or ring becoming caught in something) or in case the jewellery is lost. Jewellery (including earrings) must not be worn during PE classes.  If your child has just had their ears pierced they can wear studs, however you must provide tape for them to be covered during PE lessons.

Supporting Outdoor Learning

All children should come to school or nursery dressed appropriately for all weathers.

We support and encourage outdoor learning to utilise the beautiful setting in which Greenrigg Primary School is situated.   This area of learning will be developed further over the next session (20/21) in-line with our Curriculum Improvement