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Transition Policy (PDF, 706 KB)(opens new window)
'Transition' describes the movement that takes place from one familiar setting (including the home) to another. It is defined as the process where policy and practice has been adapted to support children in settling in to their new learning environment in preparation for future learning and development.
Transition presents a critical time of change for children, young people and their families. Children and young people experience transitions at key points in their learning journey. They need to be effectively supported both pastorally and cognitively to ensure there is smooth progression and continuity across all stages of their development and learning. Arrangements for transitions need to be flexible and take account of the individual needs of all learners and their families. There is a need to take cognisance of the changing landscape in education and social policy, the challenges arising and innovative approaches now required to ensure that every child and young person can achieve their full potential.
Transitions have been identified as a key current policy priority by Scottish Government and other stakeholders. This is highlighted throughout The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, Curriculum for Excellence, The Early Years Framework, Getting it Right for Every Child and Building the Ambition. To realise the Scottish Government's ambition for Scotland to be the best place to grow up in, provision is paramount to achieving positive outcomes for children and families.
Particular attention will be given to 'The Scottish Children and Families Transitions Position Statement' and recognises the value of working together with children and their families, positive relationships, positive continuity, learning, play and wellbeing. It has been developed both as a call to action and as support for all those who place an importance on early childhood experiences. This includes educators, researchers, policy makers, families, associated professionals, educational systems and local and national government embracing the significance of transitions for children's lives. We will take into consideration the key recommendation and principles to inform our decision making during transition. Scottish Early Childhood and Families Transitions Statement (opens new window)
- Focus on children's and families' strengths, creativity, capability and competence.
- Recognition that attention given to transitions is part of ensuring quality in ELC and early Primary School.
- Confirm child, family and educator participation in transition approaches through mutual consultation and support.
- Include all families in transitions processes, providing appropriate support to ensure equity.
- Leadership and support for educators involved in transitions process, with a particular focus on play, pedagogy, curriculum and reflection
- Recognition that the transitions that are part of our system can be opportunities and tools for change.
- Continued commitment to the entitlements of children, families and educators during the process of transitions.
At Greenrigg ELC and Primary School we want our children to experience a smooth transition throughout their learning, so that the pace and quality of learning are maintained. Below outlines three key objectives to consider in this process.
- To support all learners to successfully meet the challenge of moving from one setting or one stage to another, including children and young people with additional support needs.
- To provide an inclusive curriculum that supports and challenges all children in their development and learning.
- To ensure all relevant information for individual children and young people are forwarded and shared at the time of transition. This will enable all staff to be fully aware of previous educational experiences and achievements which will inform next steps in learning.
There is a range of transitions and cognisance should be taken of all those appropriate for each individual child and young person considering the six principleswith the intention that they are all valued and respected through mutual knowledge sharing.
- Aspirations
- Entitlements
- Expectations
- Participation
- Opportunities
- Contribution
Examples of transitions:
- Home to early learning and childcare setting
- Early learning and childcare setting to school
- Group to group
- Class to class
- Primary to secondary
- Broad general education to senior phase
- Senior phase to positive destination
- Children and young people with additional support needs
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Children and parents are actively involved in all transition processes that take place while at Greenrigg and their perceptions about transition are explored and valued. Measures are taken to ensure that pupils with learning or access difficulties experience a similar ease of transfer as other pupils. We value the diversity of individuals within our school and do not discriminate against anyone because of 'differences'. We believe that all our children matter and we value their families too. We give our children every opportunity to achieve their best by taking account of our children's range of life experiences when devising and implementing school policies and procedures.
Effective transition arrangements at all key points can and should ensure the progressive development of the four capacities. Some strategies which support transition are relevant at all key points. However it should be recognised that some additional strategies apply to particular stages. Opportunities, scope and time should be planned for staff to engage in meaningful discussion with all stakeholders. At all points clear information should be communicated to children, young people, families and staff. Transitions should be considered within a school improvement plan. This ensures that transition is a process and not an event.
Policy Review
This policy will be regularly reviewed and amended in response to the growing needs of our children and families and will be indicated in this document.
Sharing of arrangements
Outline of activities are shared on website sections and through letters/groupcall and emails. These will be reviewed on an annual basis to best meet the changing needs of our children and families.